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"A community that works together, grows together."

Help us grow the garden!

Our mission:

Peace N love, The Community Garden Party is serving as a foundation for bringing buffalo residents from all ages and eras of life together to aid one another in evolving on this life journey. 


On our mission we encourage people to use more of our natural resources to easily improve our access to nutritious foods and fight food deserts 


Around the world in just about every culture food is the catalyst that brings people together and strengthens our bonds. Feeding eachother shows that we have unity and care for one another. 


There are so many benefits to spending time in a garden. Not only are there available herbs, botanicals, fruits, and vegetables for the community to enjoy but It also increases outside physical activity reduces stress, improves memory, and boosts our overall mood. Working in fresh air with people of all different ages, abilities, and backgrounds is a way to expand both what you know and who you know. 

In addition to the work we do also party! The community garden on east Delavan and Humber is a safe space for all creation and expression.


We understand the importance of being able to freely express your ideas and expand your mind with like minded people so we encourage you to use this space to gather with your friends and meet others by scheduling to use the garden to hold events you’d like to attend weather it be music shows, painting in the park , Book clubs, photo shoots, even family events. 


The point is that this is OUR garden to use as a safe space connect us all by sharing skills feeding one another and exchanging positive energy 


We raise money through donations to arrange what’s needed for the garden to plan events and  activities that everyone can be involved in. 


With the support of you and our community anything is possible!

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